An Interview with Cassie Walker from Upcycled Merch

An Interview with Cassie Walker from Upcycled Merch


Cassie is wearing a black t-shirt, leopard print cardigan, thin framed glasses and a colourful yellow hat with a purple lining. She is taking a selfie, looking directly at the camera with a smile. She has pink hair.

Late in 2023, we were lucky enough to meet Cassie through our Summer 2024 Brand Ambassador Program. Since then, Cassie has collaborated with us to create unique content and share her views on Pippa Studios with her followers.

We have really enjoyed getting to know Cassie and love her values and ethos. She is a fan of upcycling & sustainable fashion. She works in the music industry and is also an entrepreneur, running her own upcycling business. She creates merchandise for other businesses/artists/individuals using upcycled t-shirts - cool, right!? We decided to interview Cassie to get to know her a bit better.

Me: How do you relax at the end of a busy day?
Cassie: Absolutely a long soak in the bath with an obnoxious bath bomb and cheesy playlist.

Me: What is your favourite drink?
Cassie: I'm on the Matcha bandwagon! Iced, hot, long matcha, milky.

Me: If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?
Cassie: Just one?! More financial support for creative.

Me: What is the weirdest fact about you?
Cassie: There's a lot, but I enjoy cleaning ear wax.

Me: How would you describe your fashion style?
Cassie: Vintage inspired, cute punk with a touch of rocknroll and a lot of comfort.

Me: If you could choose a superpower, which would it be?
Cassie: To heal. Heal myself, heal others.

Me: What prompted you to start Upcycled Merch?
Cassie: I wanted to create an eco friendly option to branding wears. To make new from the old.

Me: What is your mission with Upcycled Merch?
Cassie: My mission is to encourage brands and bands to make more eco conscious decisions.

We have absolutely loved getting to know Cassie and following her journey with Upcycled Merch. We're really excited to see this unique business become a success. Thank you Cassie for all of your support!

Head on over to Upcycled Merch here to learn more or view Cassie's profile on Instagram here!


Colourful collage of images of Cassie Walker wearing Pippa Studios colourful clothing.
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